Life Through Food Coloured Glasses
Hi I'm Chantal
So you have come to this page to find out a little more about me. Well firstly thank you for taking the time to get to know me... I really appreciate it. I find it hard to know where to start here, so I will go with a principal my year 9 teacher taught me, the who, what, where, and when.
Who I am
I am a passionate entrepreneur and an avid foodie. If you said to me Chantal tomorrow you can do anything you like and money is no object I would take you on a catamaran somewhere hot, with good food, wine and great friends. I love music, surfing, dancing, reading, learning and having fun. I love being fit and healthy but always ensuring that fitness is fun. I love helping people in whatever shape or form they need. And my biggest love is my little boy who I call E.
What I do
I have a small business called The Officient where I offer small businesses office administration support in marketing, office management and human resources. I also love helping people start their own business turning their passions into a living.
Where And When
Here is a little map of places I have lived: